Stavolta Waters chiede ad una tribute band, i UK Pink Floyd experience, di non suonare a Tel Aviv: “avete mai ascoltato le parole delle canzoni che suonate per campare?”
Non il miglior contesto in cui essere chiamati in causa da uno dei Pink Floyd.
A note from Roger to UK Pink Floyd Experience:
I am aghast to see you have plans to perform in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Be’er Sheba on 4th 5th 6th January. Please don’t do it.
To sing my songs in front of segregated audiences in Israel, and contribute to the cultural whitewashing of the racist and apartheid government of that country, would be an act of unconscionable malice and disrespect.
David Power, Bobby Harrison, Mike Bollard, Rick Benbow, Francesco Borrelli….
Have you never actually listened to the work that you perform to make a living?
The people you intend to entertain are executing their neighbor’s children, shooting them down in cold blood every day.
In the name of everything human, PLEASE hear my plea and cancel today.
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